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436-438 Clinton Avenue Newark, NJ 07108

"Elephant King" (2017)  

by Red

The history of the oppression of Black people has been well-documented throughout the literature. To put it simply, imagine having some volunteers to work for you free of charge for years. Imagine the amount of wealth accumulated by farmers who have an unpaid staff working for an indefinite amount of time. And imagine the frustration of being told that owning slaves is no longer legal and free labor is no more. 

The Jim Crow laws developed after failed Reconstruction turned slavery over into new fashions. To say that energy cannot be created or destroyed is relevant; as the intentions to suppress, dominate, and discriminate recycle year after year, era after era. The school-to-prison pipeline for example is one pathway for freed slaves and their offspring to return to an enslaved status, nominalized as criminal. 

After understanding the many measures taken to complicate Black people's lives, namely our socioeconomic mobility, the question arises, "What now? What can I do? What can you do? What can we do to overcome the challenges designed to limit us?" 

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